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Featured Flag Sets

Two sets: Star of David and Shabbat Shalom flags
Star of David Flags & Shabbat Shalom Flags
Large white dove on blue with "Shalom"
Shalom Dove - large
three white horses on a dramatic background
Run With Horses!
silk scarf with lions on each end
Lions Isaiah 61 Shawl
Orange/yellow "flames" on black field
Holy Fire Flags New
white field with red drops into red flames
Hand painted silk flags
Cloud by Day, Fire by Night

Silk flags with 1/2 Eagle face, 1/2 Lion face on flex rods
Eagle Lion flags

 Connecting with God in Worship

God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.  John 4:24


It's what we all want.


We all want to touch His heart, to connect with Him during worship.  There is nothing like the experience of being transported by the presence of the Lord!  But how to achieve this goal?  Here are 3 important tips for those using flags in worship:


1.    Live a lifestyle of worship.  Worship should not “happen” only on Sundays or when you pick up a flag.  When we learn to worship the Lord through every minute of our day, breathing thanks and praise even during the hardest times, we develop the lifestyle of worship – because we learn that HE IS FAITHFUL in all things. So then, when we lift a flag on Sunday, our worship pours from us, emanating from the life we live in Him.


2.  You must lose yourself.  Self-awareness is a must, but self-consciousness is a deal breaker. We must learn to forget or ignore how we appear to others.  Who cares?  This is about you and HIM.  When we give ourselves over to Him in worship, His Spirit can flow freely through us.


3.  Engage ALL of yourself in worship.  What is the part of our bodies that we use to worship with flags?  Hint:  the answer is not “my arms”.  For more on this subject, stay tuned…!

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